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Climate Analysis

Several weather-sensitive industries, including: Advertising, Agriculture, Building, Construction, Department Store, Environment, Insurance, Media, Oil and Gas Exploration, Outdoor Operations, Resorts, Retailing, Skiing, Transportation (air, land, and water), and Utilities have needs for advanced climate-related expertise DBS provides.

  • Does weather and climate affect your business plans and operations?
  • Do you make decisions based on general weather and climate data and information?
  • Do you want to be able to do reliable cost/benefit analyses based on detailed weather and climate analyses?

If your answers are “yes” to the questions above — take the guesswork out of your planning and decision making with DBS’ tailored weather and climate analysis services and products.

DBS Weather Impact Corporation provides you with:

  • Decision Assistance you need to minimize any adverse impacts from weather and climate for your area(s) of interest. 
  • Assessments of financial outcomes and their magnitudes for selected areas and conditions.
  • Benefits to your business and operations for different scenarios.

DBS has extensive weather and climate analysis experience for industry, government, and the military.  We can help you improve your bottom line.
