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Neowiz Games Acknowledges The Problematic Dodging Mechanic Issues

<p>In response to player feedback, the upcoming game Lies of P developer Neowiz Games studio has confirmed that they will improve the game’s dodging mechanic before its anticipated release on September 19, 2023. In a recent question and answer session with director Choi, the game’s director, the development team acknowledged the importance of perfecting this critical aspect of the game’s combat system, which has been compared to the notoriously challenging Souls-like genre.</p>
<h2>Exploring the Dodging Mechanic and Required Adjustments</h2>
<p>In Lies of P, the dodging mechanic is an essential component of combat, providing players with the ability to narrowly escape enemy attacks and counter with their own. As players navigate through the dark, gritty city of Delusion, timing their dodges correctly could mean the difference between life and death.</p>
<h3>Responding to Player Feedback</h3>
<p>After the demo’s release during the Summer Game Fest 2023, the development team received considerable feedback regarding the game’s awkward dodging button. Keen to provide the best possible experience for players, Neowiz Games has pledged to addressing this issue before the game’s official launch.</p>
<h3>Exploring a Comprehensive Look at the Dodging System</h3>
<p>According to director Choi, the development team is presently exploring various aspects of the dodging system, including invincibility frames and the mechanics of dodging distances. By going through all the steps, Neowiz Games aims to ensure that the dodging mechanic feels smooth and intuitive to all players.</p>
<h3>Drawing Comparisons to Bloodborne and the Souls-like Genre</h3>
<p>The game Lies of P is being positively compared favorable comparisons to other games in the Souls-like genre, such as Bloodborne. In fact, fans of the latter even modded the demo with the iconic character, the Hunter. <a href=””>IGN</a> praised Lies of P’s attention to detail in recapturing Bloodborne’s magic in their preview of the game. This makes the refinement of the dodging mechanic all the more important to players who expect the same level of challenge and responsiveness as those found in similar titles.</p>
<h2>P-Organ, Another An Crucial Element of Lies of P</h2>
<p>In addition to its dodging mechanic, Lies of P also features an innovative weapon system known as the P-Organ. The P-Organ is a significant factor in combat, providing players with unique abilities to help turn the tide of battle.</p>
<h3>Customization and Strategy</h3>
<p>The P-Organ system allows for in-depth customization options through various attachments and upgrades, enabling players to tailor their gameplay style to suit their preferences. The system also adds a further layer of strategy to combat, as players must balance their dodging and P-Organ abilities in order to overcome the game’s challenging enemies and bosses.</p><h3>Reception and Expectations</h3>
<p>With Lies of P becomes popular among fans of the Souls-like genre, players have high expectations for the P-Organ system and combat overall. Neowiz Games’ dedication to responding to player feedback and refining the game’s dodging mechanic before launch signals their dedication to delivering a high-quality gaming experience.</p>
<p>To conclude, Neowiz Games is hard at work to address the concerns raised by players about the dodging mechanic in their upcoming Souls-like action RPG, Lies of P. By refining this crucial aspect of combat and capitalizing on the enthusiasm surrounding the game’s P-Organ system, the development team is poised to deliver a memorable and thrilling gaming experience for fans of the genre when Lies of P releases on September 19, 2023.</p>
